field notes

f-BLOK Field Notes - We're always trying to stay ahead of the curve. Check out what’s been on our mind lately.

f-BLOK + accessibility

Why are accessible spaces important?

f-BLOK Field Note - f-BLOK & accessibility - Why are accessible spaces important?

More Field Notes

f-BLOK Field Note - f-BLOK & VR - How can VR be integrated throughout the architectural design process?


f-BLOK Field Note - f-BLOK & accessibility - Why are accessible spaces important?

f-BLOK + affordable housing

f-BLOK Field Note - f-BLOK + affordable housing - What’s the role of architecture in affordable housing?

f-BLOK + exterior retrofits

f-BLOK Field Note - f-BLOK + affordable housing - What’s the role of architecture in affordable housing?

f-BLOK + exterior retrofits

f-BLOK Field Note - f-BLOK & accessibility - Why are accessible spaces important?

f-BLOK + affordable housing

f-BLOK Field Note - f-BLOK & accessibility - Why are accessible spaces important?

f-BLOK + accessibility

f-BLOK Field Note - f-BLOK & VR - How can VR be integrated throughout the architectural design process?